*08:44@Wednesday 30 December 2009

Time really really flies yea :) last day of the year already
2009 has been a wonderful year, let's hope 2010 will be even better! :DDDD

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*03:25@Monday 28 December 2009

Yay. Meet my latest toy :)

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*04:04@Friday 18 December 2009

Watched AVATAR in 3D @ The Cathay today
it was awesomeeeeeeeeeeeee :D
graphics were super fantastic ; it's a must watch movie!

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*01:58@Friday 11 December 2009

Woots~ Class chalet is over so now i shall blog a lil bit about it :D

Day 1 - 091209
Trained down to Costa Sands Pasir Ris with ahwen,max,wee,nana,zann & beiwei. Then walked to E-Hub to eat. Most of the boys and some of the girls went to watch New Moon while the 6 of us - me,wee,ahwen,beiwei,max and nana went to Escape. SUPER FUNNNNNN!!! :D
Sat on the train first as a warm-up lol according to beiwei. Then we moved on the the super exhilarating cikek VIKING!!! HAHAHAHAH SO FUN :D lol wee & me were in front of ahwen & beiwei cos we thought only a maximum of 2 were allowed on each row. Walao then another 2 unknowns came and sat next to us x_x
Okay back to the ride. We held hands to prepare ourselves hahaha then after the ride wee showed me her hand cos i grabbed too tightly LOL red-red. After the Viking we tried this ride which required you to lie on your chest which was so freaking uncomfortable LOL.
Then we wanted to try the Go-Kart thing but the guy there told us we were under 18 so cannot drive x_x. Next was Wet & Wild. Hahahaha we (ahwen,max,nana & I) took a long time to decide whether we should take the ride or not while wee & beiwei were already in one of the little boats lol in the end we all decided to go on the ride
:) i'm glad we did because it was super fun sliding down from a 15-metre slide with the air rushing in your face and all the water splashing all over us. Needless to say, we were all wet but luckily i brought an extra shirt :) My shoes were completely drenched because i lost my balance and dipped my left foot into the water before i even got onto the little boat x_x
Hahaha but it was still so fun! :D Okay so after that we went to the toilet to dry ourselves and prepare to head back to the chalet as it was getting dark. Our last ride was the Choo-Choo Train near the entrance. Lol i didn't even see it when we went in cause it was so nicely hidden in the bushes :)
Then beiwei went "choo-choo'' when the train started to move so all of us ended up saying CHOO-CHOO also hahahahah. Headed back to the chalet where the guys helped to barbecue for us :D Played Truth or Dare until the time when we left. Reached home around 12 plus. Okay move on to Day 2.
Day 2 - 101209
Okay okay second day of chalet - went to Macs for lunch @ White Sands after reaching Pasir Ris.
Proceeded to the chalet after buying Macs. Talked and watch TV until about 6 plus, when we (me,ahlim,yulin,ahwen,max,nana,wee,tiffy,beiwei & josiah the thorn LOL)
Walked to E-Hub to watch New Moon. Not a bad movie except for the ending which was so abrupt. LOL as we exited the movie theatre, i heard 1 woman saying in chinese " shen me gui dian ying, bu shi xi xie shi xi qian!" LOL hahahahaha then went back to the chalet.
LOL then everyone walked damn quickly back to the chalet cos it was already 9 plus hahaha all scared of the dark shadows :P Reached the chalet, played cards and watch TV and a super gross video on Youtube before leaving.
Reached home slight later. Okay so that's all for the chalet~ HAHAH oh and must thank wee's and ahwen's fathers for the rides home~ :D
Alright, tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooodles :D


& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*08:50@Thursday 3 December 2009

Yay! Bro's back from Germany & he bought lotsa lotsa chocolates for me; like 3 big boxes of my favourite After Eight and many german chocolates :D hahaha oh man there goes my plan to shed some weight :X lol

Chocolates aside, the class lists for 2010 have been released and most of us already know which class we will be going to. Adilah called just now so i quickly turned on the PC. So many girls from 2JY this year will be moving on to 3JY. Joy all the way lol. I've gotta bid JoyJoy farewell already. Alright 1.10am now, so toooooooooooooodles :)


& I'll always remember what you said, forever."



13 June 95

Be Silent.

What am I doing now? I'm listening. you should too. silence is a beautiful sound. but i'm doing many other things too. like homework, projects and trying to fly. i'm writing too, writing words that might one day touch someone's heart. just like someone's words have touched mine.

In My Heart.

the things i love. there are many. many many many. too many to count. but i'm not counting them. i'm listening to them. to the sound of life, to the wonders music. i'm listening to the things i love. the world.

Maybe One Day.

Global warming will end and the world will become a better place! :D


Nothing to say here at the moment. When I have I will fill this space.

Be gone.

Close your eyes.

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Thank you.

designer* DancingSheep