*07:34@Sunday 27 September 2009

F1 is super exciting!! But NANA disagrees :X hahaha i think it's really exciting racing around in such a coooooooool car :D but i wonder why there are no female F1 drivers. Anyways just now when i was running this idiotic guy kept following. At first he was gone then he came back. Stupid piece of crap. I ran closer to the sidewalk then he also followed. Damn irritating lah. Grrrrrr. Then i came back to watch F1 :) Gonna sleep now byebye.

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*01:56@Sunday 13 September 2009

stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid mozzie stung my eyelid so now it looks and feels weird. argh

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*17:43@Thursday 3 September 2009

So the fonts are back again. Everyone busy with E-Learning. Stupid me, completed the exercise then i went through the powerpoint. Argh then i made a mistake already. Cos the exercise was way above the powerpoint mah. They asked what is cancer of the blood vessels. Then i went to put some stupid-unheard-of keh kiang answer when it could be easily found in the slides!!! .___________. Okay i shall continue with the assignments. Byebye.

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."



13 June 95

Be Silent.

What am I doing now? I'm listening. you should too. silence is a beautiful sound. but i'm doing many other things too. like homework, projects and trying to fly. i'm writing too, writing words that might one day touch someone's heart. just like someone's words have touched mine.

In My Heart.

the things i love. there are many. many many many. too many to count. but i'm not counting them. i'm listening to them. to the sound of life, to the wonders music. i'm listening to the things i love. the world.

Maybe One Day.

Global warming will end and the world will become a better place! :D


Nothing to say here at the moment. When I have I will fill this space.

Be gone.

Close your eyes.

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Thank you.

designer* DancingSheep