*01:21@Tuesday 29 July 2008

Hihi! =D since i haven't posted for a week i shall make this post a lil longer =) didn't post for one week already cos i just didn't feel like posting so often and there's nothing much to say anyway...yeah so today school was alright but after school something happened =( kinda scary but it wasn't my fault i didn't even do anything! but it won't happen again i swear,i am innocent cos i just dun like that feeling of being in trouble lol anyway saw many "lao heroes" today all the lao za bor aunties with red dyed hair and wearing football jerseys lol eeee so disgusting haha their make-up so damn thick =) these old people so thick skin hehe and i find old teachers damn irritating they kaopei for the slightest things and it really pisses me off then that cao RW arh,she went to write HER name on MY book leh! What is this man?! She used red ink but i dun mind if she's writing my name but she wrote HER own name on MY book!!! Wtheck and she even screamed at my face last week as though i burned her stupid small unit when i wasn't even talking lah i was just listening to carrot talking then she shouted at me walao i was so shocked i stepped back nvm must give way to old ppl lol k lah enough of all these all ppl just hope that my maths test today isn't screwed k toooodles! =D

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*00:53@Tuesday 22 July 2008

Halo! =D lol blogging in the school library now with ahwen & max cos i got nothing to do =/ well,i don't really have anything to blog about lol just trying the "new" computers haha so tooooodles =) {edited} seems like this keyboard is really "new" lol cos i tried typing but must use super lot of strength to hit the SPACE bar lol haha allmywordsarelikethis lol f0rget it just have to use more strength =) oh and carrot just called to say that she bought bubble tea for me budden when she came back to school,she thought i already left lol i was in the school libray posting this! haha so yea no bubble tea to drink =/ ah wells, nvm lah tooooooooodles =)

PS: this "new" keyboard is so noisy because you have to use alot of strength to hit the keys so i decided to end my post here =) lol the libray needs to be silent (see how considerate i am LOL)

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*03:16@Sunday 20 July 2008

Heys! =D haha since i have just finished my single scoop of Awfully Chocolate ice-cream (again lol), i decided it's time to come and blog =) well,nothing much today,except that i was bitten so many times by those freaking bloody mozzies last nite so i woke up at 5am to apply oil and then go back to sleep again lol oh yea and i finally found my frisbee!! =D k tooooooooooooodles =)

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*04:53@Saturday 19 July 2008

YoYoYo! =D lol today's supposed to be an important day for my bro...cos today is the finals of CHMA! if you are wondering,CHMA stands for Catholic High Music Awards...haha it's kinda cool i must say,that the school organises this for the students so that they can shine =) anyway,my bro and his band took part and got into the finals so i guess cat high would be pretty crowded tonite =) wanted to attend it but tickets were sold-out =( sorry kor,cannot go and support you =( but i believe my kor will play well and have fun yeah =) haha shall go and eat now toooooooooooooodles =D

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*05:15@Friday 18 July 2008

Hihi! =D hehe just finished my single scoop of Awfully Chocolate ice-creamieeeeee =) lol anyway there's no hmwk this coming weekend =) that's so rare haha Home Econs today sucked ok not exactly but kind of esp the shitty crap smoothie or wadeva they call it -.- it tasted worse than crap and i hated all those small bits of fruits when i drank a lil bit of that cup of sai and the fruit salad was even worse 1 spoon of tiny weeny fruits that tasted weird too -.- so i got fed up and ate a piece of watermelon instead lol anyway i wasn't that hungry since i had a heavy recess =D and the smoothie drink really sucked eeeeee imagine you have a cup of milk + papaya + banana + those stupid small bits of fruits = weird disgusting cup crappy shiat haha didn't even finish it =D enough of that i dunno why everyone's so interested in frisbee now even i am =D haha frisbee is vali fun me love frisbee =D haha i am trying to find mine so that i can bring to school to play =D lol k i shall go look for it now so toooooooooodles =D

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*03:25@Tuesday 15 July 2008

Halo! =) haha school today was like per normal yeap during chinese my nose went crazy so i started sneezing and sneezing lol lucky zanni gave me tissue if not i will have to use my shirt =X lol nahhh i won't be so dirty and disgusting lah haha played with a plastic bottle that i crushed during recess but we could only play for awhile cos she came =( lol but still had a few kicks haha history was super funny! lol school ended at 1230 today cos of O's MT listening =) then went to check out some lenses lol sooooo scary to put on lenses leh i tried before and it sucksssss! lol k gotta go toooooodles =)

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*01:02@Sunday 13 July 2008

Halo! =D i'm bored i wanna do quizzes lol let this be a one-sentence post end here byebye =)
{edited} just now i was asking for quizzes lol haha now there's a quiz for me to do =)

Tagged by : ah lim,zann

1) The last person who tagged you was : ah lim & zann
2) Your relationship with her is : ho peng you
3) Your first impression of her is : ah lim suang & vann yeo
4) The most memorable thing that she has done for you : carrying my books in her bag for me!
5) The most memorable thing that she has said to you : all the jokes =)
6) If she becomes your lover, you will : gladly accept her LOL kidding lah -.-
7) If she becomes your lover,thing she has to improve on : lol i won't ask her to become ah boy
8) If she becomes your enemy,you will : be vali sad
9) If she becomes your enemy,the reason will be : .....um zai leh
10) The most desire thing you want to do for her now is : everybody rebond hair and laugh
11) Your overall impression of her is : joker lol
12) How do you think the people around you feel about you? : how would i know
13) The characters you love about yourself are : happi-sammi,anti-emo
14) On the contrary, the characters you hate about yourself are : not determined and lazy
15) The most ideal person you want to be is : me SYAX!
16) For people that care and like you,say something to them : Thanks you guys rock love ya all! lol

DONE!!!! =D lol toooodles =)

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*01:41@Saturday 12 July 2008

Heys =D didn't sleep really well last nite cos i was worried about messing up my hair =/ lol so i woke up few times just to push my hair down then i became tired of pushing it down so many times so i woke up =) had breakfast and my bro's jamming mates came over lol there's this crazy emo pug! k then they went upstairs to jam and i did my hmwk downstairs =) i like straight hair toooooooooodles =D

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*07:28@Friday 11 July 2008

YoYoYo! =D haha went to rebond my hair today...now it's all straight =) lol my ass was like stuck to the chair for 3h felt so sleepy but i couldn't close my eyes and sleep haha washed my hair thrice today lol then all the white sticky gel on my head hehe then when they used the black thing to kiap my hair to straighten my it,smoke came out lol it was so freaking hot like a hairdryer haha anyway chapel today was kinda weird..and the history quiz was kinda easy lol k lah manageable =) haha i was reading my archives last nite until 12 am lol and the Bishan Home post was quite funny haha =D remember i was so damn scrared when we went there cos those ppl are sibei scary and they can't control themselves...k enough about that i wanna go sleeeeeeeeeeep now so tooooooooooooodles =D

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*07:24@Thursday 10 July 2008

Hihi! =D just realised that my archives wasn't on my blog so i put them up cos iwanted to read what i wrote before lol so lameeee rite? haha =) lol had emaths test today,hope i won't flunk it haha tried sleeping during CME cos i was really vali vali tired but how do you expect me to sleep on a table in a classroom when it's so noisy rite lol it's already 1030pm but i haven't even touched any lamo hmwk so i better go now tooooooooooodles! =D

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*07:53@Wednesday 9 July 2008

Halo! =) lol took our weight today...and i lost 2kg! haha so happi...hope can lose another 2kg then OK le =) haha last nite i was busy fixing my printer with my bro lol actually he was the one who fixed the entire thing i was only standing there hehe cos my bro is smart =) haha played Truth or Dare during EL today...lol it's damn funny lah haha feel so sleepy during lessons now and i hate homework! so sian..lol i shall stop complaining and go to dreamland...toooooooodles! =D

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*05:23@Monday 7 July 2008

Hihi! =D just changed blogskin again..lol there are so many nice and cute skins that i can't decide on haha wanna use all the skins..finally decided to use this skin...actually i wanted to use a sunset skin that ahwen found for me but it's kinda complicated..so yeah,used this instead =) lol i change blogskin almost every week..too free le =) haha maybe i won't change so often le cos i scared everything will screw up again..so now i shall go and pack my bag tooooooodles =)

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."


Halo! =D hehe went to cut my hair today..kinda short now so i am very "sim tia" cos most of my long hair are gone...haixx nvm lah it will grow back in a few month's time..so i am gonna rebond my hair maybe this friday =) then won't look so "pao pao" lol k tooodles =)

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*01:55@Sunday 6 July 2008

Heys! =D hahaha cranberry juice sucks! Really! i just drank a cup that Mummy poured me and it really sucksucksucksucks! so yucky and bitter...it's not supposed to be bitter but sweet...ahhh nvm..anyway,so many of my stuff are dying because they have no more battery haha things like my phone,my iPod,my PSP,my MP4...but i charged them this morning so they are all functioning perfectly now! =D (except for my iPod and MP4,i am too lazy to charge them =P) lol i will charge them later =) oh yea i lost my two fav swords that i bought in Cheena 3 years ago haizz..lol i wanted to play with swords after i watched Narnia haha..crazy me =P..nvm i already asked my Dad to buy new ones =) hehe tomorrow's Youth Day,which means?.....NO SCHOOL!!! =D lol enjoy your Youth Day break people...toooooodles =)

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*05:42@Saturday 5 July 2008

HiHi! =D lol just added a song from imeem, "Built To Last" by Melee...it's sort of the acoustic version but i prefer the original song...nvm =) the playlist's kinda long..so it will block the words in the post a lil...haven't started on the e-learning yet..simply tooo siannnnnn -.- anyway i just wana enjoy myself during the Youth Day break not doing some crappy e-learning...okay tooooodles =)

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*08:59@Friday 4 July 2008

YoYoYo! =D haha celebrated Youth Day today instead of chapel after home econs lol the skit performance by the 'chers was hilarious =D too bad it was kinda short hahaha made sardine sandwiches for home econs,not as bad as i thought it would be =P haha also made milo..actually it's just milo but those 'chers wanted to make it sound damn high class so they called it 'milo latte' -.- isn't still made using milo powder?! lol lamo that RW was being such a chickenporkchopeggtart,she screamed and chased us out of the room when i wanted to drink water cos the stupid sandwich was rather spicy -.- so i couldn't drink lor then after the celebration we still had to go back to clean up the home econs room and wash up -.- ok that's all for today toooooooooodles =D

PS: My eyelids feel like closing but i don't wanna let them close lol have to chiong the stupid maths e-learning tomorrow nite nite =)

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*07:56@Wednesday 2 July 2008

Halo! =D it's 11 now so i should be sleeping but since i took an afternoon nap, i decided to blog a bit before going to bed =) been quite busy recently so i will not be updating that often,mainly because of stupid homework...yea so anyways,Subway was having a 50% off promotion for its 6-inches but i missed it -.- yea lol the offer only lasted for 2h from 3-5...OK it's 11.05 now so tooooooooooodles =) wow i took 5 min to write such a short post lol =D

PS: From now on i shall type in this manner 'cos it makes my post look more complete hehe

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."



13 June 95

Be Silent.

What am I doing now? I'm listening. you should too. silence is a beautiful sound. but i'm doing many other things too. like homework, projects and trying to fly. i'm writing too, writing words that might one day touch someone's heart. just like someone's words have touched mine.

In My Heart.

the things i love. there are many. many many many. too many to count. but i'm not counting them. i'm listening to them. to the sound of life, to the wonders music. i'm listening to the things i love. the world.

Maybe One Day.

Global warming will end and the world will become a better place! :D


Nothing to say here at the moment. When I have I will fill this space.

Be gone.

Close your eyes.

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Thank you.

designer* DancingSheep