*01:31@Saturday 31 May 2008

Halo! =D almost a week of hols is gone oredy...
so fast...day by day,week by week...
soon we will all be going back to school...
Term 3,Term 4...then Sec 2,Sec 3 & Sec 4
wow...so fast lol why am i saying all these?
anyway my Po Po is at my house now =)
ohh and i ate fish & chips today & yesterday
so fatttttt...i wonder if i am gonna succeed
in losing weight...lol must eat less & exercise more
hahaha tooooddddddddddddddles~ =D

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*06:12@Tuesday 27 May 2008

Heys =D went for training today...
lol & tried doing some pull-ups
so difficult haha can only do once...
now my hand hurts man...
lol lucky the skin nvr po pi =P
hehe i feel like eating so may things now
oysters,ahgedashi(sp?) tofu,fish & chip...
lol liddat how to lose weight? haha =D
toooooodles =)

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*06:49@Monday 26 May 2008

YoYoYo! =D haha i just came back from a night jog with my bro
lol and i feel so freaking tired...my head is throbbing & it hurts
jogged about 28 rounds...the night air is so freaking cold
i am exhausted,and i still have training tmr =)
ok..since i am so tired,gotta rest early,so toooooooooodles =)

PS: This is my blog's 85th post after 1 year lol =)

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*07:01@Sunday 25 May 2008

Hihi! =D the June Hols are officially starting tmr! =)
haha but there is alot alot alot of hmwk...
so yea,lol haha i am gonna start losing weight =)
hope i am successful hee =)
then when sch reopens,you will see a slim Sammi =)
lol oh yea, i realised i haven't played my PSP for a long time
so i took it out and played =) lol yay i will have a new MP4 soon =D
cos my Dad oredy bought for me =)
haha~ happi happi =) k toooooooooooooooooooooodles! =D

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*05:39@Friday 23 May 2008

Halo! =D finally got my watch today...yay! =)
haha & i'm still wearing it now =)
although it's kinda big,but i like it! lol
went to j8 after sch to buy my watch
i bought a baby-blue one, my fav colour ;D
haha anglefishie bought white
carrot bought pink =)
& zanni didn't buy lol haha
that stupid woman,we bought 3 watches
didn't even wanna give us discount -_-
no wonder those ppl just walk past the stupid stall
touch touch the watches with their itchy hands
then walk away lol dun buy from her hehe =)
so after that went to buy YAMI Yougurt & bubble tea
then went back to school to shoot the video
we NG for about 6-7 times lol
the cigarettes were tearing haha =D
acting is not easy at all man
so hard to control your laughter haha lol
so after filming slacked around in the concourse
with zanni & carrot =D
then after that Mummy came to fetch me & send zanni home
oh yea,it's the last day of Term 2 today...so fast
time flies at 2801840128438578128318 miles per hour lol
haha i have to go back to school for training from tues-fri
lol & there's so much freaking hmwk sian...told' cha =)
hehe k byebye~i think my blog is a year old le =)

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*06:48@Tuesday 20 May 2008

Heys =D it's quite late now
so this shall be a short post
i'm currently on msn with carrot now
talking about how animals reproduce lol
haha so yep 3 more days before school closes
& the June Hols ARRIVE!!! =D
lol but there will be alot of homework,so dun be too happi
k,i guess i have to go offline soon,so tooooooodles =)

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*02:57@Monday 19 May 2008

Heys! =D hehe HAPPY VESAK DAY! =)
went out today to eat Jap food haha
Kor treated us lol eat the same choco waffer
so full ate till my stomach felt like exploding lol
haha i bought a new pair of shoes =D black canvas
oh & today something sibei paiseh happened -_-
hahahaha paiseh & funny at the same time
k byebye~

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*23:28@Friday 16 May 2008

YoYoYo! =D lol haha i've nothing to blog about
so this shall be a very random post =)
anyways,today's chapel was freaking hilarious
hahaha zanni should know =) damn funny man
that siao za bor stared @ zanni like wanna fight her liddat
haha & zanni stared back,so funny then & i laughed haha =D
then that siao za bor stared at me...stare wad stare? buay song arh?
crazy stand so near for wad? i think they were oni like 3-4 cm apart lor
lol 1 looking down the other looking up haha =D
after that she walked away...lol & we kept scolding her =)
k i'll end here byebye~ =)

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*03:16@Monday 12 May 2008

Hihi! lol im doing the quiz ah wen & ah lim ask me to =)

Name 20 ppl you can think of right now.
Don't read the questions until you have named the 20 people.
At the end of this, find 5 people to do this.

3.ah lim
5.ah wee
8.ah wen

aiya i can't think of so many lah,15 is enough =) kk start Questions le...

-How did you meet 14? [joey]
KCPSS 1JOY'08 =)

-Wad would you do if you meet 1? [carrot]
I would hug her & celebrate for having such a good friend lol =)

-Wad if 9 dated 2? [chiewling & zanni]
Nah,they will nvr ever date cos chiewling is boy-crazy *winks*

-Will 6 ever date 7? [feby & angelfishie]
i dunno,you will have to ask them =) lol jkjk

-Describe 3 [ah lim]
"ahtushme,i think i've seen you at my kopitiam before." lol jk..ah lim is a nice girl =)

-Is 8 attractive? [ah wen]
LOL! she wants to be attractive to her shaky...

-Describe 7. [angelfishie]
she's cute angelfishie =)

-Do you know anyone of 12's family? [fionana]
lol dunno leh,she nvr introduce mah lol

-What would you do if 8 confesses to you that she likes you? [ah wen]
LOL she's crazy over her shaky & im 100% normal female =)

-What language does 15 speak? [saranya-lol!]
lol you can guess by her name lah

-Who is going out with 9? [chiewling]
lol i dunno,but i think she wants to go out with many ppl haha

-How old is 6? [feby]

-When was the last time you spoke to 13? [shiying]
hmmm maybe last friday bah cos i went to sch =)

-Who is 2's fav band singer? [zanni]
haha.i just asked her =) angela zhang

-Would you ever date 4? [tiffy]
siao..i oredy said im 100% normal female ok...stupid

-Would you ever date 1? [carrot]
haha..im oredy dating her =) KIDDING LAH!!

-Is 9 single? [chiewling]
haha i know she wants to be attached badly,boy crazy mah =X lol

-What is 10 last name? [avril]
erm yi cos her chinese name is jia yi mah

-Would you ever be in a relationship with 11? [yulin]
stupid quiz..how many times must i say I AM 100% normal female!

-School of 3? [ah lim]
YZPS then KCPSS lol

-Where does 6 lives? [feby]
lol singapore lah then whre

-What is your fav thing of 5? [ah wee]
her loud laughter =) but sometime too loud

-Have you ever see 2 naked? [zanni]
woah this is really a stupid quiz man..so sick
oi i have a clean mind like ah lim ok like you arh stupid quiz

5 ppl : aiya i oni name 3 lah cos not many ppl got blog those who have do oredy =) 3 ppl : angelfishie,fionana & joey

walao i hate doing this quiz..must keep typing everything so sian waste my time k toooodles =)

i dunno wad the heck is wrong with freaking Blogger lah i used two colours but the questions didn't appear -_- only the answer

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*00:37@Sunday 11 May 2008

Halo! =D yea..i think i'm okay now :D
lol it's Mother's Day today...yaya,so
haha lol i made a card for Mummy =) although it's not that nice lah
my art sucks hahahaha i know =)
lol & i taught carrot how to create msn & friendster =) haha
okay..i've nothing much to say...so tooooodles =)

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*22:14@Thursday 8 May 2008

Halo! yay exams are finally over! =D
but i am still sick..-_- haix i hate it
i hate being sick..=( it sucks
damn,i scared pass to Mummy =(
cos that day i ate too many cookies
then nvr drink water..lol so too heaty
and i didn't take my maths paper becos of this
then all my bloody marks are gone -_-
it's damn stupid lah the school
whre got such thing de lor dun let ppl retest
retarded -_- so pissed man..faster recover
then can go out & play..but now can't
cos of the HFMD virus outside...eeeee
so scary man...oh yeah faster get well Sammi
i go rest le =) byebye bloggy =)

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*02:25@Saturday 3 May 2008

Heys! =D posting on my other com now...
lol i watched the ghost show last nite...
& i dun even understand wad are they showing
it's not even scary at all lol zanni : " HEEEEE"
hahaha that's the stupid dolly =)
oh yea i love my Kor's new MP4 man...
so cool...every song will have the lyrics shown
lol so i asked my Dad to buy for me =)
hope my results are good + this MP4 =) then veri happi le
aiya but i dun care,i will still buy it =)
haha lol okay tooooooodles =D

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*07:17@Friday 2 May 2008

YoYoYo! =D lol haha let's talk about today...
3 lessons only for today haha lol =)
english ended abit early
then we supposed to go for chapel
but we stayed bac & hanged around in the room
playing with the door lol the same game =)
damn fun & funny lor lol laugh & laugh
2 persons pulling inside & 2 persons pulling outside =)
hahaha me & carrot V sutherssan
lol he's damn strong lah,although he's small
hahahah then later he & marc hahaha
put his leg on the door again
lol me & carrot pull until the hand wanna break oredy
hahaha so after that we stopped & went for chapel
cos we scared the handle would break & kalau =D
hahahah then say "eh not my fault arh,bu guan wo de shi =X "
lol no lah..then chapel watched a lame video about a pea
after that went up to collect the EL files
hahahaha lol & played with the door again
this time with ah lim haha the door seldom open
cos she has less strength than suthersson haha
lol talk to ah lim hands must be behind the back =)
cos later dong dao something HAHAHA! =D
jkjk waited outside the staff room awhile
cos lao hum gu say she wanna return us the zuo ye
nabei -_- we wait damn long liao,so fed up go in & ask
walao she oredy went home lah?! whatthehell?!
siao not even 2'o clock then go home
stupid then nvr give us the book also
lol after that Mummy fetched me home & went to J8 to eat
& i suddenly got a W910i lol so funny leh
i oredy have my Nokia 5300 le =) but it's nice & good =D
i didn't study the whole day today,i seriously dun feel like studying
so sian -_- haiz lol anyway that's all =) toooooodles =D

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*03:39@Thursday 1 May 2008

Hihi! =) Happy May Day! lol..haha
i'm supposed to be studying for exams
but what am i doing? blogging. -_-
i really dun have the mood man
feel so sleepy & tired (lol i didn't wake up early)
on the com for the wholeeeeee dayyyyyy
no studying.no mugging. ahhhhh~
better go & study now..if not my results will scold me :X
lol they can't talk but i understand =) there's sch tmr
dun forget =) lol haha k toooooooooodles =D

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."



13 June 95

Be Silent.

What am I doing now? I'm listening. you should too. silence is a beautiful sound. but i'm doing many other things too. like homework, projects and trying to fly. i'm writing too, writing words that might one day touch someone's heart. just like someone's words have touched mine.

In My Heart.

the things i love. there are many. many many many. too many to count. but i'm not counting them. i'm listening to them. to the sound of life, to the wonders music. i'm listening to the things i love. the world.

Maybe One Day.

Global warming will end and the world will become a better place! :D


Nothing to say here at the moment. When I have I will fill this space.

Be gone.

Close your eyes.

May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
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November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
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April 2008
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October 2008
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February 2011

Thank you.

designer* DancingSheep