*04:46@Wednesday 30 April 2008

Halo! =) i created a post just now,but stupid blogger couldn't post it
so here's the post =) anyway recess was hell hilarious today
hahaha first,someone was queuing behind us @ stall 6
lol and carrot said something damn loud & funny =D
then second time,we went to return the plates after eating =)
hahaha then carrot threw the plate so hard until it bounce up
lol laughed like siao becos the auntie was like "wth?!'
hahahaha so funny man =) yay & my geog got 24/25 =) + Silver for PFT =D happi happi sammi =D
Labour Day tmr. Which means? NO SCHOOL =D haha still have to study for exams
lol k tooooodles =)

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*02:43@Friday 25 April 2008

Heys! =) so freaking pissed today
lemme tell you what happened
actually i was still happisammi
before recess but after that
bloody cbc ruined my mood -_-
what the hell lah real cb
okay,she sent about 20 ppl out
cos we were late for her damn lesson
for about 5 min nia,liddat oso send us out
& we had a reason: Sec 4's bazaar
so we went to look at it for awhile lah
stupid cb told us to leave the class
lesson also haven't even started lah
whattheheck?! not like we were late for abt 1h
5 min only?! as if she nvr late for lessons before lor
kns ***** made us stand outside for 2 whole periods leh
so i was damn pissed lah nabei she **** she **** she **** real hard! -_- eh walao lah how can make us stand for so long? stand for 10 min can alrdy wad! eat shit lah she
so after school i hanged around in sch with carrot,tiffy,zanni & wee =)
wrote a letter to complain abt her & asked ppl to sign =)
she can't send us out for so long
CA1 is so soon & we had to miss out on 2 periods of maths
all becoz of that bloody *****,she's damn lazy lah
ask her give us remedial lesson also dun wan huh
everything dun wan go eat shit lah nabei -_-
shit her man spoil my mood =( **** her
tooodles =)

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*03:08@Monday 21 April 2008

Halo! =D lol today is an important day~
why? cos it's 21 April, which means it's Kor's birthday! =D
haha you're 16 now =) big boy le lol
his friends celebrated in school with him together with a cake
yep so after sch went to eat Sushi Tei =D so shiok man!

all the sashimi & sushi = fantastic
then had desert-CHOCOLATE WAFFER!! =D
damn nice lah,the chocolate so thick + the waffer =)
then after that went to buy cake, chocolate classico =)
wee~ i'm so full now =) once again,happy birthday to my kor =)
let your good meimei sing ya a birthday song =)
happy birthday to you~
happy birthday to you~
happy birthday to korkor~
happy birthday to you~ =D
wheee~ happi birthday =D
k tooodles =)

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*21:44@Saturday 19 April 2008

Halo! lol went jogging with my bro yesterday
we jogged 50 rounds in the void deck =)
so freaking tired,Kor has super stamina man =D
training for the re-test on monday..hope i can pass
wish me luck~ toooodles =)

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."


Heys! =D let's see what's for today...
slept at 1 last nite & woke up at about 9 plus this morning
lol but after that i slept for another 2 h & woke up at 11 =)
went downstairs to jia breakfast =) after that my bro's friends came
then my bro got ready & went out with them to look for his pressy
his birthday is on monday but i didn't know what to buy for him
so i gave him some money to get something that he like =)
so he went out & i continued to play the com until about 3.30
lol then i went back to dreamland =) which means SLEEP!
haha what a lazy pig..oops =X i dun wanna be a pig!
lazy slacker sammi =X CA1 is coming but i haven't even started revising yet
so sian...oh ya next time i change my blogskin,i'll change to hello kitty =)
cos last nite i was still looking at hello kitty blogskins at 1am,so cute =)
lol but i just changed 3 weeks ago,so i will only change after exams,
maybe in May or June =) ok gonna play now byebye =)

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*02:16@Friday 18 April 2008

YoYoYo! =D lol had PFT today...
quite okay...haha at least i didn't fail =)
lemme tell you the results =)
No.of sit-ups : 36
No.of inclined pull-ups 22 =D
Shuttle Run : 12.09s
Standing Broad Jump : 155cm
Sit & Reach : 39cm
k..my sit & reach isn't too good
when we had our PE lesson
it was better =)
but nvm, it's still an A (izzit?)
cos i saw the board...
then my standing broad jump lol
i always can't jump far...haha so
155 cm is not bad for me oredy lol
then...pull-ups haha lol =D
when it was PE lesson i could only do 8!
but today i kept pulling & pulling =)
then after that was shuttle run & sit-ups =)
anyway,i like today cos it's fun =D
i like PFT cos it's fun =) haha tooodles =D

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*04:40@Thursday 17 April 2008

Hihi!=)lol got back my geog quiz today
so lousy lor..-_- 13/15 nia
i could have gotten 14 =(
nvm,it's over oredy so i shan't think abt it =)
lol anyways PFT tmr -_- sian
dunno why i can't seem to exercise
stamina's like shit..do little bit then become so tired
hope i dun fail =) Good Luck =)

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*06:04@Wednesday 16 April 2008

Halo! =) sorry for not blogging because the bloody internet was down for so many days -_- anyway i'll start from monday k
lol went to the dentist in primary sch & it was hilarious =)
zanni & i took so funny pictures haha =D
the dentist said i have a nice & clean set of teeth =D lol
no TT because we had to go for some lame shit workshop -_-
so sian sat for 3h listening to crap -_- kay angmoh kns act
good day with no hmwk =) so i'm free that's why i'm posting this now =) nite nite =)
PS: oh yeah today is 16 April =) my dear phone is 1 year old =) HAPPI BIRTHDAY FONNEEE!! =D AIYA! forgot to buy a cake for fonneee,nvm =)

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*07:06@Friday 11 April 2008

Hihi! =D today is such a super fun & cool day...lol
n it's Founder's Day,so Happy 84th Birthday Kuo Chuan! =D
wow so old oredy...=P
during emaths wee tried to hide my pencil case..

n i didn't know she had taken it..so i kept searching
my bag -_- haha then she said "sammi'' n laughed n
gave me back my pencil case..walao i was damn scared
at first cos last year i lost my converse pencil case...some
asshole stole it..haiz then i was so fed up -_- all my stationery
were gone...n my favourite strawberry shortcake pens =(
lol then after that wee went to toilet so zanni & i decided
to hide her pencil case..haha budden she came bac so fast
so zanni passed the pencil case to me to hide under my table
but it wasn't zipped up lor..haha so everything kalau =D
lol then no chapel,supposed to be form teacher's time in homeroom
but then teacher bo lai,so we watched Pear Harbor in the auditorium =D
then after sch walked to j8 with zanni,wee,ah wen,angelfishie,max,avril,cl,ah lim
lol all of them ate in sch except me n zanni;we wanted to eat @ j8
but everybody dun wan,so must wait until they jia ba then go lor
lol zanni said something which was so freaking funny =D
we kept laughing all the way...actually we went to j8 cos we wanted to do CIP @ the library..but those ppl told us must sign up on the internet first before we can do
siao..so lame must purposely go n sign up -_- lol so zanni & i ate Mac
haha i ate McChicken (again),n she ate Fish Burger haha then after that i bought
Milo Mcflurry..not bad yum yum, after zanni & wee tried they also say damn nice =)
so we walked around j8..n bought drinks...then after that Mummy came to fetch me n send zanni & wee home...lol they kept laughing in my car haha
so after sending them we went home =) lol haha i was smsing with wee jus now then i fell asleep =) it's quite late now so i dun tink i should call her,scarli she orh orh kun le
ok toooodles =)

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*01:38@Monday 7 April 2008

Halo! =) ran 2.4 today...
yay! i passed this shit finally
after running 3846q379101 times
=P haha lol actually i must thank
ah lim..haha she kept reminding me
n pulling my hand...i was freaking
tired..but i still continued to run
coz i told myself i needed to pass
since the test is next friday (18th april)
jiayous! =D haha
Me : ah lim can stop i very tired
ah lim : cannot if you wanna pass you must run,cannot stop
HAHAHA so i stopped only a few times lol
after the run i was so bloody tired,felt like vomiting
haha then zanni & i went to the toilet to tie 2
lol n we saw many fei nius =D
haha but i untied my hair..cos it looked weird
then after school zanni & wee so cute..
they wanted to see Mummy =D
haha now my head feels so uncomfortable
becoz of the damn run..tooodles =)

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*23:20@Saturday 5 April 2008

YoYoYo! lol! =)
haha wee & zanni just told me that,
if i tie 2, they will also tie 2 =)
but actually if we tie 2,it's ok
look cute =)
not like the fei niu
that day i saw her @ j8,i looked at her face
-_- so freaking old
lol so old summore tie 2
pui soh
buay paiseh =P
maybe i will also tie 2
that's only if wee & zanni tie =D
ok toooodles =)

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."


Hihi! nice weekend with no hmwk =)
so shiok...but it's quite boring ;X
woke up quite early this morning
although i slept quite late last nite...
haha i usually wake up around noon on weekendes =D
so Mummy bought Fish & Chips for me...
yum yum...lol i think i eat Fish & Chips every week
;X oops later really become fei niu...
nooooooo Sammi cannot become fei niu...
lol then everyday tie 2 to school =D
i am so freaking bored...spent my entire day on com,PSP & my foneee =)
so now i am waiting for KFC to deliver my Banditio =)
AHHHH!! eat fast food again! SAMMI THE FEI NIU!! ;X
siao..stop scaring yourself lol =)

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*04:04@Thursday 3 April 2008

Heys! Wow after about like 11 months,this is only my 60th post! hee =)
lol no lesson at all for today =D
at first i tot there was geog budden it's actually a stupid workshop -_-
so lame n boring lor...oso can't hear wad the heck she was toking abt
summore wear the shirt until so short -_-...so sian so me n carrot decided to...
haha quite exciting leh! =) lol n zanni & wee & tiffy kept calling n smsing me =)
so i told them not to worry =) haha n i was so thirsty lah..my bottle was in my bag
i didn't eat during recess,even though i was quite hungry..jian fei =)
scared later become fei niu then nehnehnehneh loom! NBA =D
lol took a bus to j8 after sch with carrot,feb & tiff..haha n we went to eat mac =)
i ate McChicken n the choco cone...walao i went to j8 becos of the stupid milo mcflurry..but then i tot dun have so i bought the Choco Cone..scarli i bought oredy carrot told me " eh got the Milo Mcflurry leh!" then i was like " walao...the stupid poster so small...i buy liao then see'' haha everyone was too full to share with me...so nvm lor...then we met ah wen & angelfishie...haha angelfishie brought us to this secret playground to play....haha then we took pics =) n play for awhile then say byebye n went home =)

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*06:11@Tuesday 1 April 2008

lol i fell down 3 times today :0 stupid...
First Fall
haha at first i was thinking if i should jump down from the stairs
but then my feet oredy moved but i wasn't ready yet,
so puat toh lor..lol lucky my bag supported me,so not pain :)
Second & Third Fall
lol actually fall no.2 & 3 are the same lah..i tripped over the fence during table tennis when i was talking to zanni :) haha
Then during D&T,tiffy cut her thumb...
so scary lor i could hear the wire char inside her thumb
so i quickly accompanied her to the toilet to wash
wahh so much blood,see also scared,even the wire also has blood
poor tiffy..so puat thing...so teacher told her to stop work...haha so i asked
teacher if i could stop work too, but she gave those type of face -_-
means cannot lah!
lol okay Mummy says i gotta sleep le,so byebye bloggie! =D

PS: Remember i said today is Po Po's birthday? HAPPY 76th BIRTHDAY PO PO =D & HAPPY APRIL'S FOOL!!

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."



13 June 95

Be Silent.

What am I doing now? I'm listening. you should too. silence is a beautiful sound. but i'm doing many other things too. like homework, projects and trying to fly. i'm writing too, writing words that might one day touch someone's heart. just like someone's words have touched mine.

In My Heart.

the things i love. there are many. many many many. too many to count. but i'm not counting them. i'm listening to them. to the sound of life, to the wonders music. i'm listening to the things i love. the world.

Maybe One Day.

Global warming will end and the world will become a better place! :D


Nothing to say here at the moment. When I have I will fill this space.

Be gone.

Close your eyes.

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Thank you.

designer* DancingSheep