*05:32@Monday 31 March 2008

YoYoYo!! haha yay! i created a new tagboard!! =D now ppl on the blog can talk =) at first i tried to get a new one yesterday but they kept telling me wad invalid username or whatever crap...so angelfishie taught me to try again and i did-n succeeded!! =D yay lol k byebye =)

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*07:04@Sunday 30 March 2008

HiHi! lol i just changed my blogskin...hehe but i accidentally deleted my cbox...arghh i dunno why the heck everytime i change blogskin,i will delete something..last time i deleted my archives..now the stupid cbox..arghhh...anyone noe how to get a new cbox can teach me?? now ppl can't talk on the blog...anyways today went for my grandmother's birthday celebration =)...HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN ADVANCE PO PO!! =D actually Po Po's birthday is on tues...hehe...ate till my stomach felt like bursting...i am becoming fatter n fatter...lol thats all tooodles =D

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*08:09@Friday 28 March 2008

Halo! i dunno why some people like to type liddat,
very nice meh? lol nvm but i will try for this post =)
anyways today went to Bishan Home...-_-
at first i tot it was only for old people...
but it was actually for the INTELLECTUALLY DISABLED!!!
some ppl call them 'siao lang'
walao then i became so freaking scared lor..
the 2 words 'Bishan Home' so damn big..
but the 'INTELLECTUALLY DISABLED' words so bloody small..
earlier noe i dun go lor..sammi pa pa :s
at first i ask ah wen if she scared anot, she say bu pa
lol then i tell her i very scared, wanna go home
haha aft she saw those ppl she oso became sibei scared =D lol
omg those ppl there so scary lah..they keep shouting n screamin
cos they can't tok, so they will keep makin alot of noise
got this guy, go n take my bottle of aloe vera juice..
but lucky i finish liao =) if not wasted
then the same guy pick up 1 stupid rubber band n tried to put it
in ah wen's pocket..walao like wanna touch her liddat..
then ah wen so freaking scared so i faster pull her away lor..
ah wen so puat thing...we were supposed to make so fruit juice for them lah
budden too many ppl so the sec 1s dun nid to do anything =)
those ppl are really really scary...i close my eyes oso think of them leh
ah max..you kiang nvr go..budden we still mus go bac again for more CIP
kns..i dun wanna go bac there again lor..kia see lang leh
but those ppl are quite poor thing lah...
but i am still scared! cos i am not used to it mah...
then there was this old man..eyes damn big, see liao oso scared
ah wen n i were feeding him the juice...
then i tried to ask him if he still want..
he didn't reply..then i tot he dun wan
after that he keep making alot of noise lor...
then ah wen told me..but i told her that they all make noise is very normal
those who dun make noise then not normal :x lol
but scarli he niao niao in his pants...then the floor oso hav..
the nurse push him away lor...ah max if you see those ppl sure oso damn scared de
anyways, experience to BISHAN HOME FOR THE INTELLECTUALLY DISABLED(now i write big big =D lol) = BAD BAD BAD cos i was so SCARED SCARED SCARED
lol...eh i not joking hor..go there yourself n see lah..but the nurses are good
it's not easy takin care of so many intellectually disabled( eh not siao hor) ppl
so it's 12 am le...wad i nid to do now? SLEEP LAH!! toodles =)

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*04:39@Saturday 22 March 2008

YoYoYo! my poor lappie is still lagging grrrr...can't use the internet n everything..now i am afraid that this computer will spoil if i touch it..=( but i am still using it =) lol yesterday i anyhow click then the whole thing lag..haiz all because of my stupid itchy fingers...actually it's not really my fault because the stupid msn lousy,that's why the virus attack people..stupid msn...spoil my dear lappie..i kill you!!! lol just now i looked at all the photos that we took in the States...400++ pics...the limousine we sat in was so big and cool, felt like a VIP =) haha n Grand Canyon was so freaking nice...i dunno why but i just cant post those pics even though i tried 9132645786953461297 times..dammit...maybe i will change the blogskin but all the blogskins suck like shit; my blogskin is nicer n more cool =) oh ya i dunno why now i am addicted to fast food, yesterday i asked Mummy to order Mac for me even though it was oredy 11 at nite...lol ate the McChicken with fries n Ice Milo...so shiok..then went to orh orh kun..eat and sleep lol...Sammi, you will become Fat Sammi very soon, so you better stop eating lol end here =)

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*04:37@Friday 21 March 2008

Hihi! Happy Good Friday! =) Arghh!! I am so freaking pissed becos my poor lappie spoilt becoz of that bloody msn image virus shit!!! eeeyer! A stupid converasation will suddenly pop come out n say 'is this really your image?' then below have a stupid webby..haizz then i so stupid go n click on it then kena the virus liao lor =( my pooor lappie...Sammi will save you dun worry =) ok end here =) byebye

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*10:32@Friday 14 March 2008

Halo! Guess now wad time? 2 am..And guess wad is Sammi doing? Blogging :) lol i dun wanna slp so early..haha just now i was playing a game on Miniclip..Street Fight, lol so funny is Hillary Clinton fighting with Barack Obama..haha of coz i chose Hillary Clinton lah, i support her wad..lol..and i WON! :D heeee i kept punching n kicking Obama until he lost :) so fun....they still cant find the terrorist leh..i dun think they will ever find him lah..so long oredy...hehe if i see him i will ask him to teach me how to make bomb,so that i can bomb those people i hate...lol :X HAHA ok not funny dun laugh...okayys i gotta go n slp le..goodnite n byebye bloggie :)

PS : I am just joking =) hee

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*00:12@Friday 7 March 2008

YoYoYo! haha Zanni wan me to post de,so i post lor..haha anyway i heard from many people that the camp sucks :o..lucky i nvr go haha :X ok thats all end of post =)

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*04:40@Sunday 2 March 2008

Hihi! Long time nvr post le..my last post was 2 weeks ago when i got my PSP slim..not that i dun have time,just that nth to blog about..anyway, SAMMI FINALLY LEARN HOW TO SWIM!!! YAY!! :D haha passed the test last monday :) 3D 2N camp at Pulau Ubin next Wed to Fri..ahhhh i wanna go back to the States..so fun..i oredy told Mummy that i am going back next year :) yeah! :D ok end of post :)

PS: The terrorist is still not caught,i dun think they can find him -_-

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."



13 June 95

Be Silent.

What am I doing now? I'm listening. you should too. silence is a beautiful sound. but i'm doing many other things too. like homework, projects and trying to fly. i'm writing too, writing words that might one day touch someone's heart. just like someone's words have touched mine.

In My Heart.

the things i love. there are many. many many many. too many to count. but i'm not counting them. i'm listening to them. to the sound of life, to the wonders music. i'm listening to the things i love. the world.

Maybe One Day.

Global warming will end and the world will become a better place! :D


Nothing to say here at the moment. When I have I will fill this space.

Be gone.

Close your eyes.

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Thank you.

designer* DancingSheep