*00:15@Wednesday 31 October 2007

YoYoYo! today go science centre...suppperrr duppperr FUN! :D haha...on the bus otaku send me songs then after that go macdonald and eat..the queue was very very long coz got alot of schools oso at science centre..so i ask gibson help me buy...haha then i buy a hash brown for him coz he queue for me :)...then after that we go inside science centre and play...we had 1h to go n play wherever we wan :)...we splash water at each other until we all wet then we play the slide and the sound pipes...so fun leh we can hear each other,me n otaku upstairs, jp n zx downstairs...haha then after that we go n climb up the little house n played wid bubbles :D...haha we take the lift damn fun lah...it's like one whole glass join together for the first n second floor then inside was just a board for you to stand...damn cool! then when you go out of the lift, the floor and everywhere very colourful...very shiok :D....haha then we all found a wooden thingy,can stand on it then somebody must push...that 1 oso damn fun lah..at first i push jp n zx then after that they push me...we playing halfway then got this stupid guy tell us say what cannot push it so far away..then i wanna come down,but the stupid wheel so big then i knock onto it and cut my leg...-_-...2 cuts leh..sumore quite long....:(...after that take bus go back school lor...okay end here :)

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*05:44@Tuesday 30 October 2007

Hihi! Very bored,so i decided to post...k let's see...today we went to vivo for the maths trail..not really very fun,walk for hours sumore nvr give us time to go shopping -_-...haha we play the circle thingy then otaku push me,so fun...then after that we went to Long John to eat...i ate fries...i keep eating then otaku help me do the booklet :D haha thanx otaku jiejie :)...that day when i was sitting on my bed,a stupid beetle bit me...then my arm very pain -_-...ok nth much to say...tooooodles! :D

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*20:17@Saturday 27 October 2007

Halo! Yesterday forgot to post so today i post about yesterday k...i woke up at about 9 plus then go downstairs eat breakfast...after that i continued sleeping for 6 hours?!..i am getting very lazy now -_-...then afternoon then wake up and watch tv...my bro's friends oso came to my house to jam...aiyoyo yesterday i play wid my fone then dunno why kena lock -_-...so i ask my dad help me make back lor :) scare me leh:(...so now i just finish eating roti prata...feel so fat now...chatting wid gaby n peipei....okay,when i have time later then i blog ok,toooooodles! :)

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*07:52@Friday 26 October 2007

YoYoYo! Bear Bear is back after going out for the whole day! :D..Okay, so in the morning i went to play badminton wid zixin jiejie and amy...then we went to her house, and she made this cute blogskin for me! :D so cute rite pikachu?! :), i posting halfway de, then my dad call me and said he was waiting downstairs for me..so i go down wid amy lor coz amy oso wan go home le...then after that i reach home and hurry up wash my face cox very wet and sticky -_-...After i wash my face, my mummy say bring me go J8 to eat and shop wid my cousin and grandmother..I ate the baked pork chop rice in the dim sum restaurant, the pork chop quite nice but the rice not so nice..then i dun eat le...then after that we go and shop and go home lor..we bought things home to eat but i still continue eating,although i already ate at j8 -_-, i so greedy leh..after that,whole family go out again...then at night my dad brought me out to eat...we ate the char kway teow,satay,fried oyster....(lazy to type),but the food very shiok lah..so i reached home at about 9 o clock and rest for a while then come and blog lor...aiya aniway today i was outside the whole day n i am very tired, coz i woke up at 6am this morning and now oredy 11.10pm leh...so now bear bear is gonna sleep and nite nite! :)

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*19:39@Thursday 25 October 2007

Hihi! Today i went out to play badminton wid zixin and amy..haha we skip school :D, poor otaku jiejie cannot come coz her grandmother dun allow....We started at 9 then end at about 10 coz my shirt veri wet,then we go zixin house! ( We are at her house now! :D) zixin help me look for new blog skin coz mine veri old oredy..hehe :D thank you paperheart jiejie ! :D haha we play play play then tok tok tok,veri fun :) i think today oni got 17 or 16 ppl go to school..haha anw so boring nth to do...so now,i go home le,bb :D

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*07:06@Monday 15 October 2007

Arghhhh! Today i plucked my teeth out...abit pain + alot of blood...now bogeh again.Then after that i went to J8 to eat YAMI YOGHURT...wah very nice leh,like ice-cream liddat...ok now 10.10pm oredy...so tooooooodles! :)

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*06:58@Sunday 14 October 2007

Halo! exams are over,everyday so bored,so i decided to blog. Shit,something is wrong with my webcam,so i tried to take everything out and make it back but i do until my com hang -_-....wanted to use webcam wid peipei also cannot -_-...stupid webcam,make me so angry...so now talking to her without webcam..wanted to play playstation but very sian leh...today my mummy told me we will be going to many places in America like, LA,Las Vegas,San Francisco and blah blah blah, aiya lazy to type lah...aiyoyo my teeth going to drop out again,then bear bear will be bogeh again -_-...nvm lah new teeth growing out le....okay toodles :)

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."

*20:23@Friday 12 October 2007

Yay! PSLE is finally over and i'll be going to America! :D....okay nothing to say oredy...toodles!

& I'll always remember what you said, forever."



13 June 95

Be Silent.

What am I doing now? I'm listening. you should too. silence is a beautiful sound. but i'm doing many other things too. like homework, projects and trying to fly. i'm writing too, writing words that might one day touch someone's heart. just like someone's words have touched mine.

In My Heart.

the things i love. there are many. many many many. too many to count. but i'm not counting them. i'm listening to them. to the sound of life, to the wonders music. i'm listening to the things i love. the world.

Maybe One Day.

Global warming will end and the world will become a better place! :D


Nothing to say here at the moment. When I have I will fill this space.

Be gone.

Close your eyes.

May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
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February 2011

Thank you.

designer* DancingSheep